Someone Else

Someone Else sprang from Joe Jarvis' passion and curiosity for the why behind independent fashion and style. We work hard to marry a slow-journalism approach to writing with design and photography, treating it all as a singular, nuanced product.

The focus on the what throughout the writings and blogs on the web, particularly in the realms of style and fashion, feels increasingly vapid and devoid of context or meaning. So many of our mediums of communication reward a specific lack of nuance and depth. We hope to fight back against this trend in our own small way with Someone Else.

To this end the design and aesthetic seek to place the content at the fore and eschew armature and artifice where possible. Designed without feeling design-y. It was, however important to us that the layout of content for individual stories have the flexibility to break out of the typical wall of text with an occasional photo that has become such the hallmark of articles online (cough Medium cough). I created a robust admin dashboard experience the provides a great deal of editorial layout control with regards to splitting out content into columns and providing various formatting controls.