More Lifelike - Music Video

I collaborated with Sunjacket to help them visualize the tone and mood of More Lifelike, the title track off of their 2021 album.

This piece is a poetic look at life and nature seen through the eyes of a machine. It plays with the balance between fidelity and abstractness, detail and grandness.

There's a meditative and reflective quality to More Lifelike that seems to resonate with a more tonal and subdued visual representation. Ultimately I wanted to capture a sense of the ebb and flow that the song has as well as the underlying yearning in the voices. The machine longs to experience something more lifelike in the end.

The conceptual themes informed the production process itself. I began with fairly abstract, but evocative source footage of life, nature, flow occurring at different levels of scale and then fed this imagery through some software tools I wrote which pixelated, subdivided, and symbolically replaced values to create something with the impression of the underlying imagery. It became the machine's perspective in a sense.